The Asphalt Kingdom Blog

Insights, how-to’s, and much more from the world of asphalt maintenance

Top 5 Recession-Resistant Business Ideas

Whether we're heading into a recession or not, it's always wise to be ready. So here are 5 recession-resistant business ideas you can explore this year.

The country's inflation rate has been accelerating rapidly. and this has led many people to speculate that we may be heading into another recession.

But we don't have to wait for economists to officially announce another crisis before we do something about it. To make more money and weather the incoming storm, we simply need to be prepared and be on the lookout for lucrative recession-resistant business ideas.

So without further ado, here are our top 5 recession-resistant business ideas you can venture into this year.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

How to Make Your Asphalt Maintenance Business Inflation-Resistant

The prices of many goods around the world have skyrocketed. How do you ensure that your asphalt maintenance business is inflation-resistant? Find out now.

Inflation is beyond our control, but we can adjust to it so our business can survive and thrive. Here are some ways to cope with higher prices of goods as an owner of an asphalt maintenance contracting business and ensure its survival.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

A Short Guide to Asphalt Maintenance Business Mailing List

Promote your asphalt maintenance services through an email newsletter. But how do you create a mailing list to boost your email marketing campaign?

A well-executed email newsletter is one of the most effective marketing tools for asphalt maintenance contractors. But for you to pull it off, you need to build a solid mailing list. Want to know what a mailing list is and how you can build one? Then check out our blog below.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

6 Reasons to Start a Driveway Sealing Business

Still on the fence about starting an asphalt maintenance business? Here are 6 compelling reasons to start a driveway sealing business now.

You've probably thought about starting your own driveway sealing business, but something's holding you back. Maybe you don't know anything about asphalt maintenance, or you don't have marketing and sales experience. Or maybe you're getting cold feet because you assume that there are no opportunities in your area or there's too much competition.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

How to Start a Driveway Sealcoating Business

Looking for a definitive guide on how to start a driveway sealcoating business? Then look no further because this blog is your quick guide.

Whether it's a side hustle or a full-time venture, it's always a good idea to start a driveway sealcoating business. Residential sealcoating is easy to learn, and you don't need to invest in large and pricey equipment right away. The stakes are relatively low compared to commercial sealcoating, and you'll never run out of driveways to repair and seal. This is a business that sells itself year after year — as long as you do great work.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

5 Reasons Why People Don't Start an Asphalt Business

You want to start an asphalt business, but some things are holding you back. Are these five reasons one of the obstacles in your path? Let's find out.

Starting any business is tough but not impossible. But some people are being held back because of different reasons. Are you one of them? If so, here are several reasons why you and others are still on the fence about starting an asphalt maintenance business and what you can do to overcome it.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Making the Switch from Coal Tar to Asphalt Emulsion Sealer

Making the switch from coal tar to asphalt emulsion sealer this season? Read this blog to see what that means for contractors like you.

Updated August 7, 2022

Coal tar sealer has been one of our bestselling products of all time. But times are changing, and coal tar sealer isn't always going to be available. This is going to affect all our customers in the US and Canada.

But don't fret! Asphalt emulsion sealer is available from the Asphalt Kingdom website. It's the most viable alternative to coal tar emulsion, but it takes some getting used to if you've been using coal tar for many years.

We know that you have questions, so we'll answer all of them below.

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Topics: Sealcoating, News, Asphalt Maintenance Business

The Four Best Ways to Sell Asphalt Maintenance Services

The season has started. What better way to start with a bang than by learning about the best ways to sell asphalt maintenance services to your prospects?

Asphalt maintenance season has just begun. Many sealcoating companies' appointment books and calendars apps have already been filled up. But if you find yourself still looking to fill your season with jobs, then that's a problem you need to fix.

Here are the four best ways to sell asphalt maintenance services to your prospects.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Asphalt Maintenance Business Tips: How To Dominate 2025 Webinar

Are you starting an asphalt maintenance business or trying to scale? Then learn how to dominate 2025 by watching this free Asphalt Kingdom webinar!

Are you still on the fence about starting your own asphalt maintenance business? Or are you about to launch it, but you're getting cold feet because you don't know if you're doing the right thing? Or maybe you're in your second year and looking for ways to scale your sealcoating and crack repair business?

Then you're in the right place. Watch our “How To Dominate 2025” webinar to learn insights on how to start your asphalt maintenance business on the right foot, as well as how to scale your business with the right equipment and knowledge. You'll also get helpful business tips from our guests, John Bublich of Wyoming Asphalt Repair, Adam Chapman of Pad Pal, and Rob McKenzie of Black Max Driveway Sealcoating, and hear about their experiences in running an asphalt maintenance business.

Want to start your very own asphalt sealcoating business? Get our FREE 9-video Build Your Own Business Blueprint to learn about this pandemic-resistant and recession-resistant industry.

We have also included a transcript to make it easier for you to take notes, as well as find the resources we've mentioned in the webinar.


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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Keys to Success 2025: Online Marketing Strategy

Give your online marketing strategy a boost with our keys to success. Learn how to strengthen your asphalt business presence online with our guides.

Updated for 2025

2025 is going to be your year, and you want to start the sealcoating season right. But is your marketing campaign falling behind already? Do you have the right tools to market your asphalt repair services, and are you on the right social media platforms? Does your sealcoating company even have a presence on Google and other search engines?

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

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