5 Reasons Why People Don't Start an Asphalt Business

You want to start an asphalt business, but some things are holding you back. Are these five reasons one of the obstacles in your path? Let's find out.

Judson Burdon
Posted by Judson Burdon on April 27

Starting any business is tough but not impossible. But some people are being held back because of different reasons. Are you one of them? If so, here are several reasons why you and others are still on the fence about starting an asphalt maintenance business and what you can do to overcome it.

1. You live in an area where there are no asphalt roads

You probably live in a rural area where dirt roads and gravel driveways are common, so you don't see any market for asphalt maintenance. Or maybe you live in a city where concrete roads and streets are more common.

But even if you live in such areas, surely there's an asphalt road, driveway, or parking lot somewhere somehow. Asphalt is simply one of the most cost-effective materials to use to construct roads and other types of pavements. That's why governments and property owners all over the country choose to use them again and again.

Plus, the roads and driveways near you might be made of dirt, but the same cannot be said of parking lots owned by fast-food chains, strip malls, coffee shops, etc. in your area.

The Best Way to Start an Asphalt Business


Here's a tip for finding if there are properties in your area for you to service:

  1. Open Google Maps on your computer and type in your county or city.
  2. Drag Google Maps Pegman (the tiny yellow guy located on the lower right corner of the page) downtown or to the nearest supermarket, nursing home, or coffee shop.
  3. Check which ones have asphalt driveways and parking lots.
  4. If they do, bingo! You already have leads.

You can also check suburbs and apartment complexes for asphalt driveways. Driving around the area is another thing you can do to check if there's a market for asphalt maintenance in your city or county. But with gas prices as they are right now, this is not a very practical option.

Related: Making the Big Switch to Asphalt Sealcoating Business

2. You have zero asphalt maintenance experience

The truth is only a few people have actual experience when they first start in the asphalt maintenance industry. Asphalt maintenance is not part of the school curriculum, and those who do have experience got theirs because their families were already in the business.

But everything you've always wanted to learn about asphalt maintenance and running a business is already available here at Asphalt Kingdom, so you're not going in blind. Check out these helpful Asphalt Kingdom resources below.

List of Asphalt Business Resources For New Contractors:

Weekly Meetup for Asphalt Contractors and People Starting an Asphalt Business

We also have a weekly Asphalt Kingdom Roundtable with contractors in every stage of their business: from weekend warriors doing driveways to million dollar companies. It's free to attend and takes place every Wednesday at 7 PM Eastern. Join us!

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3. You don't have marketing and sales experience

After learning asphalt maintenance basics, then it's time to start. But chances are you're getting cold feet again. You know everything about the technical side of asphalt maintenance, but there's the marketing and sales side that you're still unfamiliar with.

And you're right to be cautious because the marketing and sales strategy you choose can make or break your asphalt business.

The good news is that we've also covered marketing and sales strategies in our resources pages. Check out the Asphalt Kingdom website and our YouTube videos, and dive into all the sales and marketing tips we've created for up-and-coming contractors like you.

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4. Lack of funds

Lack of capital is one of the most common reasons why people don't go into business. Fortunately, you don't have to let the lack of funds stop you. Read our blog on how to get funding for your asphalt business and get started on your dream.

If you want to start with a few projects here and there, you can take a look at using Klarna on the Asphalt Kingdom store. Monthly payments are available on orders between $250 - $10,000 for US and Canadian customers. Learn more about Klarna financing.

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Related: The Best Crack Repair Equipment for Contractors

5. Fear of failure

A healthy amount of fear is good. It keeps us from being reckless and getting ourselves into dangerous situations. But an unhealthy amount of fear can also keep us in our comfort zone and prevent us from trying a new venture.

Nobody can blame you if you like the stability of working a 9 to 5 job and receiving a paycheck every week. But if you're miserable with your job or feel stifled inside an office, or you're yearning for more (whether financially or emotionally), then be courageous and step out of your comfort zone.

Here's an antidote to the fear of failure: start small and pace yourself.

You don't need to splurge on a Gold Sealcoating Business Package or some big piece of sealcoating equipment right away if you're not comfortable with that. Invest in a couple of drums of asphalt emulsion sealer and a sealer sprayer for drums or a tote sealcoating spray system to start.

Watch how you can start a sealcoating business without breaking the bank in this video featuring Dom Manzo of Local Sealcoating:

Offer your sealcoating services to your neighbors or a nearby business first. Do it during the weekends or after you get off your shift from your full-time or part-time job. Invest in larger equipment later and gradually transition to full-time once you've earned enough and you've acquired a loyal customer base.


We hope that you've learned a lot from this blog and that we have encouraged you to start an asphalt business. If you need some encouragement or advice, don't hesitate to reach out to us via email or social media. You can also chat with us via phone or online.

Ready to take the next step? Call us at 1-866-399-5562 to talk to our asphalt experts!

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

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