Unfortunately, white spots in pavement may happen at any asphalt sealcoating job. It’s unavoidable. It’s also something no worker is at fault for, regardless of what the customer says. However, companies should prepare for finding white spots in the pavement all the same.
White Spots in Pavement After Sealcoating
Have you received a complaint about white spots in pavement after you’ve sealcoated the asphalt? Learn what they are and what can be done about them.
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Sealcoating
Why Asphalt Maintenance is a Great Way to Spend Part of the Government Budget before September 30th
The US government has a budget that has to be spent by September 30th. Know why asphalt maintenance is a great place to invest in.
Each fiscal year, the US federal government creates a budget to fund various services and programs for the country. To calculate the budget, the government considers its allotted money and expenditures. The budget comes from tax revenue and sale of treasury securities. Expenditures, meanwhile, consist of mandatory spending, discretionary spending, and debt interest.
The government decides how to collect and spend its money for the fiscal year, choosing programs and services that will be consumed or invested in. The federal budget is active from October 1 to September 30 each year.
Often, agencies race against the clock to spend the rest of their budget before the fiscal year ends (September 30). The uncertainty in the annual appropriations process prompts agencies to spend more on contracts than any other month of the year.
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Property Management
How to Carry out Fall Asphalt Maintenance in 5 Easy Steps!
An asphalt driveway is an investment that you want to protect for as long as possible. The fall is the ideal season to complete the upkeep on your driveway
With most asphalt maintenance techniques requiring ambient temperatures over 55 degrees Fahrenheit, fall is the ideal window to get your driveway well-protected before the icy onset of damaging winter weather. Luckily, regular asphalt maintenance for the driveway at home or church parking lot needn’t be a complicated task, and we’re going to walk you through how to protect them effectively in 5 easy steps.
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance
RY10 Elite: Setting the Bar High for Crackfill Machinery
If you want to know what safety, reliability, productivity, and ease of use looks like, look no further! The RY10 Elite is all that, plus more!
The RY10 Elite Melter Applicator sets new standards in crack filling machinery as the embodiment of RynoWorx’s core principles, namely: safety, reliability, productivity and ease of use. With these four pillars in mind, the RY10 Elite is designed based on user feedback, and the final outcome is a near-perfect and optimized version of all melter applicators that RynoWorx has released so far.
Here are the features that makes the RY10 Elite a truly innovative new product:
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Crack Repair, News
4 Tips on How to Combat Tree Root Damage in Driveways and Parking Lots
Asphalt damage is not always caused by exposure to weather and the elements. Sometimes, the culprit is standing right there on your front lawn.
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Trees contribute to curb appeal and property value. Additionally, they provide shade, which helps keep the surroundings cool, especially during summer months. Well-maintained trees and shrubs add beauty and appeal, while helping keep air fresh and clean. While these are some of the huge advantages of trees and plants, there are also downsides to having large trees in and around your driveways and parking lots.
As the trees grow, they can cause the asphalt to heave up and break. Since these gaps have jagged and uneven edges, they can become tripping hazards or cause damage to car tires or undercarriage. Tree root damage can lead to injuries and accidents if not handled in a timely manner.
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Crack Repair
Repair Cracks Between Your Asphalt Driveway and Concrete Foundation or Curb Like a Pro in 5 Steps
Whether you are a homeowner, DIYer, or contractor, you can fill cracks between asphalt and concrete seamlessly with the proper products and equipment.
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Asphalt cracks and gaps can develop all over an asphalt surface. It’s more common, however, on sections where joints and seams meet, such as where asphalt edges meet the street, concrete curb, garage floor, or house foundation.
There are many possible causes of cracking, such as exposure to the weather and natural elements, freeze-thaw cycles in cold-weather locations, vehicle damage, and incorrect installation. If not filled and sealed in a timely manner, these cracks allow moisture from rain, melted snow or runoff from garden hoses to penetrate the sub-grade, as well as the foundation or basement walls, causing them to grow weak and compound the damage.
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Crack Repair
ADA Handicap Parking Requirements Guide (+Cheat Sheet)
This guide will help you determine how best to stripe a parking facility to ensure compliance with the ADA handicap parking requirements.
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Being ADA-compliant is not just about painting the international symbol of accessibility on pavement – although, it is a step in the right direction. The 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design is formulated as per the DOJ-sanctioned revisions of Titles II and III of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.
This covers the scope regarding minimum requirements and provisions for handicap-accessibility in parking lots and similar facilities that are either newly designed, reconstructed or altered on or after March 15, 2012. Non-compliant facilities and installations can get fined or even face a civil lawsuit.
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Line Striping
7 Critical Checks for Parking Lot Drains
Proper drainage is an essential part of preserving pavement. Check these 7 things regularly to prevent expensive water damage and make a safer parking lot.
Water can be both beneficial and disadvantageous to parking lot owners and managers. Water can be used to clear off mud, sand, fallen leaves, twigs, and any other form of vegetation and debris that clutter the parking lot’s surface.
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Property Management
Asphalt Damage & Effective Driveway Restoration Methods
Extend your asphalt's life span & bring back its aesthetic appeal with our expert repair methods. Fill cracks, patch potholes, & sealcoat. Get started now!
Your asphalt driveway is a big investment, but like any outdoor surface, it needs some TLC to stay in good shape. Over time, the sun, weather, and traffic can wear it down, making it look rough and beat up.
Think of your asphalt like your skin. Constant exposure to the elements can cause it to dry out, crack, and get brittle. You might start seeing small cracks snaking along your asphalt driveway. You might also notice patches of moss, faded areas, ruts, and uneven spots popping up.
The longer you leave these things, the more damage they cause to your asphalt driveway, and the more expensive they get to fix.
But don’t worry — we’ve got you covered. We’ve broken down asphalt driveway damage into four separate problems, and we’ve got DIY solutions for each one. Our step-by-step guides make it easy for you to tackle repairs yourself, saving you money and keeping your pavement looking sharp.
Check out the categories of asphalt damage below and find out how you can fix each issue yourself. Let's show you how to fix your asphalt driveway, and get it back in top shape!
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance
Application Temperature Cheat Sheet: A Handy Guide for Applying Crack Fill, Sealcoat and Line Striping Paint
Whether you are a veteran or just starting out in the asphalt maintenance industry, our application temperature cheat sheet will be very useful and handy.
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Knowing what the ideal job temperature is before applying crack fill, sealcoat or line striping paint is essential in making sure your project lasts. Planning your scheduled jobs and being up to date on weather forecasts is important so you don’t sacrifice the quality of your work because of less-than-perfect temperatures.
Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Sealcoating