The Asphalt Kingdom Blog

Insights, how-to’s, and much more from the world of asphalt maintenance

National Pavement Expo 2021 Digital Edition

National Pavement Expo 2021 is digital this year! Here's what you need to know to make the most of this virtual expo.

The 2021 National Pavement Expo is online this year, which makes it more available to everyone. With no travel, no time off, and no hotels, you can access all the virtual expo features from your desk.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

6 Things I Wish I Had Done to Scale Up My Asphalt Maintenance Company

Making it big isn't easy. Read what successful business owners say they wish they had done to scale up their asphalt maintenance company.

Growing an asphalt maintenance company takes a combination of several factors. Fortunately, we’re in control of many of these factors. Whether it’s the risks we take or the culture we foster, scaling an asphalt maintenance company does not need to be a herculean effort.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Planning Pavement Maintenance? 3 Tips to Nail Your Budget

If you need to forecast and plan your pavement maintenance budget, here are 3 tips on how to get to the numbers.

If you’re like most property owners we know, January is a time for planning out your year and your budget.  It can be hard to guess what it will cost to maintain your pavement when it’s covered in ice and snow, but we have some guidelines you can use to get you close enough for budgeting.  Like most things, adding a 10% buffer can save you down the line, as prices tend to increase in March and April when the industry re-sets its annual fees.

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Topics: Sealcoating, Asphalt Maintenance Business

How Much Money Can You Make Asphalt Sealcoating?

Ready to start making money from asphalt sealcoating? We set you up for success with information to start your asphalt business.

Asphalt sealcoating is an ever-expanding field since pavement is exposed to the elements. This wear and tear is an excellent opportunity for you to start your own business. With a small investment in sealcoating equipment, you can start a profitable business that fits your schedule.

But before we start, check out the Asphalt Kingdom Build Your Own Business Blueprint to learn everything you can about this venture.

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Topics: Sealcoating, Asphalt Maintenance Business

Make Money All Winter Long Doing Urgent Pothole Repair

It's not true that everything is dead in winter, including asphalt maintenance! You can make money all winter long by creating a Pothole Repair division!

The freeze / thaw, freeze / thaw cycle that happens every winter can force ice into cracks, expanding the breaks in the asphalt until they become potholes.  And potholes aren’t just an eyesore – they’re a liability.  If someone’s car is damaged, or if a pedestrian trips and injures themselves, property managers can be in for serious payouts.

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Topics: Pothole Repair, Asphalt Maintenance Business

How to Hire (And Retain) Talent For Your Asphalt Maintenance Business

Getting great talent for your asphalt maintenance business is really difficult. In this article we discuss four methods to help hire and retain top people.

In spite of staggering changes to the economy, employers across the country are crying out for skilled and valuable staff members. In fact, with such fierce competition, finding and holding on to great employees may be one of the biggest challenges you will face as a business owner.

Today we’re going to offer you a brief overview on how to find the perfect employees for your business and, more importantly, how to keep them!

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Asphalt Maintenance Season Winding Down: Do You Have The Supplies You Need To Finish Strong?

September is almost here and that means it's time to get more work done! Here are three fears you can overcome to have your best season ever.

With the winter season approaching, asphalt maintenance contractors across the country are racing against the weather to finish up those remaining jobs.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Are you on track to hit your goals during the Winter season?

The Winter season is coming, which means it's a good time to look at your business' progress in terms of revenue and significant goals.

Here are our top 7 tips on how to optimize your business, start the new season on a positive foot and smash your goals, regardless of where you’re at right now.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Fleet UP: Get Equipment to Increase Your Productivity

Having trouble hiring good people? Take a look at your equipment & tools. Invest in your fleet to improve your productivity and increase your revenue!

I must admit… I have a problem. I am addicted to purchasing nice equipment. But there is a plus side to this… Increased revenue.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Scale Your Asphalt Maintenance Business

Started your asphalt maintenance business with a squeegee and buckets of sealer? Now is the time to invest in the tools you'll need to expand quickly.

Every successful business adds more tools to keep growing: online companies add software, factories add more sophisticated machines. Asphalt maintenance companies can do the same thing: by getting the right tools at the right time, you’ll be able to do more work for less labor cost, in a shorter time frame, and that’s how you will grow your business. Where to start?

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

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