How to Store Asphalt Sealer Properly to Preserve Your Purchase

By keeping asphalt sealer properly, you can safeguard your product at the end of the season. Learn the right methods on how to store asphalt sealer.

Posted by Judson Burdon on January 23

Storing asphalt sealer would never happen in a perfect world. You would buy exactly what you need and never have any unused sealcoat left over. In the real world, we have to be sure to have enough asphalt sealcoating to get the work done without running out. Your business depends on having the supply to meet your demand, and at the end of the season that means you have to protect your product and practice proper sealant storage.

Temperature Is Crucial

No matter what time of year it is, you must protect against freezing temperatures. This is true of storing asphalt sealer for the day or the season. Otherwise you will end up with ruined product that is useless to you. Make sure your sealant storage is 45º to 50º F whether it’s the end of the day, or the end of the season.

Did You Know? At Asphalt Kingdom we ship our sealer in heated transport trucks to protect against freezing. Not only that, if you order in winter, we’ll store the product for you in the right conditions, until you are ready for delivery.


Are You Agitated About Your Unused Sealcoat?

Okay, it’s a bad pun, but agitation is extremely important to keeping your product ready-to-use. Emulsion sealers will start to separate after just 3 hours and need stirring. Plus, don’t forget about evaporation, and the need to add water, which will also need mixing in. Even when you are storing asphalt sealer for the night or the weekend, you must have a way to thoroughly mix it before spraying.

There are a few ways to do this. First of all, you can stir with a stick, like a broom handle, making sure to thoroughly combine. Secondly, some sealant storage tanks come with manual or hydraulic agitation paddles so the unused sealcoat can be remixed. Finally, your spray system is best if it has a recirculation setting. That way, while you’re doing the asphalt prep, your seal coating mix is being properly emulsified before spraying.

Tip: Don’t Become Over Agitated! You can turn your seal coat into a bubbling foam, so remember, you want to mix thoroughly, not create a foamy mess, when re-circulating.


If you want to use up your sealer and extend your season, check out sealcoat additives. These dry your sealer faster, making night-time sealcoating and fall sealcoating possible.

How to Care for Sealcoating Machines

Can I winter unused sealcoat In my steel tank or sprayer? Not a great idea. You are far better off storing asphalt sealer back in the drums they came in. Winter prep means cleaning out your tanks and sprayers, and running water through them. You will find clear directions in your equipment manual for exactly how to do this. Come spring, you’ll want to make sure to remove any clumps of dried sealer on the sides and bottom of your tank. Otherwise, when those chunks come loose you can seriously damage your spray system. Remember, those drums you’re using for storing asphalt sealer must be kept in the 45º to 50º F temperatures. Protection from freezing is your number one priority in sealant storage.

Unused sealcoat and finding warm sealant storage space is not something we want to deal with, but the reality is we must. Running out of seal coat during the busy season is unthinkable. The old adage “Better to have too much, than not enough” is certainly true in the asphalt business.

Put your end-of-season unused sealcoat back in the drum(s). Make sure your sealant storage location is at 45-50º F. Come spring, get agitated, and stir in water as needed.

Remember: temperature is the most important whether you are storing asphalt sealer for the day, the weekend, or the winter.

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