Judson Burdon

Judd Burdon has worked in asphalt maintenance for over 25 years. He started out selling driveway sealcoating door to door and eventually created his own asphalt business. After successfully selling Imperial Asphalt he retired to the Caribbean - at the age of 24! He was soon tired of kitesurfing all day every day and he decided to build a website to help people find asphalt equipment and start a business just like he did.


  • Asphalt Maintenance
  • Commercial Parking Lot Repair
  • Business Start up
  • Home Services

Top 12 Summer Business Ideas to Try

Looking for gigs and other ways to make money this season and beyond? Then here are the top 12 summer business ideas you can try.

Summer is for long road trips, sunny picnics, camping by the lakeside, and other outdoor activities.

But if you're struggling financially or simply want to make money to prepare for future expenses and emergencies, then you're probably scouring the internet right now and asking "Which business is best in summer?"

If you're wondering what businesses are in high demand right now or you want to know how to come up with a profitable business idea, then you've come to the right place.

In this blog, we listed the top 12 summer business ideas you can start right this instant.

Whether you want to join the 59-million strong gig economy workers in the US by setting up your own freelance writing business or you wish to try something unconventional like driveway sealcoating, we have the best small business ideas for this summer that you can cash in on.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Asphalt Maintenance Contractors: How to Stay Safe at Work This Summer

Now's the perfect time to make money sealcoating driveways and fixing cracks. But how do you make sure you and your crew stay safe at work this summer?

It's summer and in many parts of the country, temperatures are soaring beyond the 90s. Although summer's the best time to sealcoat driveways and fill cracks, excessive heat can be bad news for you and your crew.

According to the CDC, more than 10,000 people died due to excessive heat exposure during the spring and summer months between 2004 and 2018. Males working outdoors, in particular, are at high risk from common heat-related conditions, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.

If this is your first season as an asphalt maintenance contractor or you've been working for many years in the industry but the heat still gets to you, then this blog is for you. Read about the different precautions you have to take, and implement them to prevent injuries and death in the workplace.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

8 Mistakes That Can Negatively Affect Your Asphalt Maintenance Business

As a contractor, some mistakes can be fatal for your asphalt maintenance business. Learn about them here so you can avoid them.

Asphalt maintenance season is kicking into high gear, and you're probably in the thick of it right now. But sometimes, in the quest to make money, we commit a few mistakes that can be fatal for our asphalt maintenance business. Check out our list below to avoid mistakes that can derail your business.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Top 5 Recession-Resistant Business Ideas

Whether we're heading into a recession or not, it's always wise to be ready. So here are 5 recession-resistant business ideas you can explore this year.

The country's inflation rate has been accelerating rapidly. and this has led many people to speculate that we may be heading into another recession.

But we don't have to wait for economists to officially announce another crisis before we do something about it. To make more money and weather the incoming storm, we simply need to be prepared and be on the lookout for lucrative recession-resistant business ideas.

So without further ado, here are our top 5 recession-resistant business ideas you can venture into this year.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

How to Make Your Asphalt Maintenance Business Inflation-Resistant

The prices of many goods around the world have skyrocketed. How do you ensure that your asphalt maintenance business is inflation-resistant? Find out now.

Inflation is beyond our control, but we can adjust to it so our business can survive and thrive. Here are some ways to cope with higher prices of goods as an owner of an asphalt maintenance contracting business and ensure its survival.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

Crack Fill Comparison: Which Crack Sealer is the Best?

Find out which crack sealer is the best when it comes to adhesion, coverage, dry time, etc. Take a closer look & see which crack sealer is ideal for you.

Crack sealers are a godsend to asphalt owners everywhere. Without it, pavement cracks would expand as the elements take their toll on the asphalt and result in bigger potholes. These potholes need to be repaired, and that could be very costly for you. And if worse comes to worst, you have to repave the damaged area entirely.

But what is the best crack sealer in the market? We checked out four different crack sealer brands to see which product lasts longer, dries fastest, and allows you to save more money. Check it out below.

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Topics: Crack Repair

A Short Guide to Asphalt Maintenance Business Mailing List

Promote your asphalt maintenance services through an email newsletter. But how do you create a mailing list to boost your email marketing campaign?

A well-executed email newsletter is one of the most effective marketing tools for asphalt maintenance contractors. But for you to pull it off, you need to build a solid mailing list. Want to know what a mailing list is and how you can build one? Then check out our blog below.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

6 Reasons to Start a Driveway Sealing Business

Still on the fence about starting an asphalt maintenance business? Here are 6 compelling reasons to start a driveway sealing business now.

You've probably thought about starting your own driveway sealing business, but something's holding you back. Maybe you don't know anything about asphalt maintenance, or you don't have marketing and sales experience. Or maybe you're getting cold feet because you assume that there are no opportunities in your area or there's too much competition.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

How to Start a Driveway Sealcoating Business

Looking for a definitive guide on how to start a driveway sealcoating business? Then look no further because this blog is your quick guide.

Whether it's a side hustle or a full-time venture, it's always a good idea to start a driveway sealcoating business. Residential sealcoating is easy to learn, and you don't need to invest in large and pricey equipment right away. The stakes are relatively low compared to commercial sealcoating, and you'll never run out of driveways to repair and seal. This is a business that sells itself year after year — as long as you do great work.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

5 Reasons Why People Don't Start an Asphalt Business

You want to start an asphalt business, but some things are holding you back. Are these five reasons one of the obstacles in your path? Let's find out.

Starting any business is tough but not impossible. But some people are being held back because of different reasons. Are you one of them? If so, here are several reasons why you and others are still on the fence about starting an asphalt maintenance business and what you can do to overcome it.

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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

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