Asphalt Art: AK's Top 25 Asphalt Arts And Laughs

These 25 pieces of 3-d street art transform asphalt from mere pavement to an asphalt art canvas that will blow your mind.

Posted by Judson Burdon on January 17

Because asphalt is my work and my passion, I love to look at the amazing asphalt art that is out there. From linestriping humor to bollard art to pothole filling, these artists have gone the extra pavement mile to make us laugh, ogle, think, and enjoy. Nothing brightens the day better than humor that tickles your work funny-bone. Here’s our top 25 Asphalt Arts And Laughs. Enjoy!


Asphalt Street Arts

Piano keys - pavement art
 Piano Keys Pavement Art

Wouldn’t this be the perfect parking lot crosswalk for a business with music lessons?

Pac-man Sidewalk Art
Pac-man Sidewalk Art

Or how about this pedestrian crossing for a gaming store?

Dandelion Street Art
Dandelion Street Art

These parking lot lines ending in dandelion fluff are fanciful, artistic, and open up a whole host of ideas for linestriping art.

Playful Street Graffiti
Playful Street Graffiti

Can’t you just see using this idea in your next parking lot job like this? For instance at the exit when there’s multiple check out lanes would be perfect.

3D Street Art

This is an intersection where it’s impossible to miss the crossing, and looks great too.

No Parking Sharks |
No Parking Sharks

What better way to mark a no-parking zone than with sharks, using fin-bollards?

Sidewalk Art
Sidewalk Art

Never would have imagined a coughing sewer drain, but what a fun way to mark it.

Calk Art by David Zinn
3D Chalk Art

Ever had someone walk across your linestriping? Here’s a way to make it look like it was done on purpose!

Asphalt Cracks Street Art
Asphalt Cracks Street Art

Crack repair turned into a tree for owls, turning a useful repair into art!

Barbed Wire Crosswalk Art
Barbed Wire Crosswalk Art

A pedestrian crossing protected by barbed wire; hard-to-miss safety for a cross-walk.

Mr Clean Crosswalk
Mr Clean Crosswalk

When one line is brighter than the others, give Mr. Clean the credit!

Weed Wall Art
Weed Wall Art

That’s one way to deal with a weed: turn it into a creative Eve image.

Chalk Art
Chalk Art

Watch out for #5, that’s the square you skip…

3D Street Art on Asphalt Cracks
3D Street Art on Asphalt Cracks

Seems like every artist has a funny take on asphalt cracks, better keep an eye on this one.

3D Street Art in a Parking Lot
3D Street Art in a Parking Lot

Wonder if anyone actually picks this spot to park in? Brilliant 3D art!

Swimming on the Street - 3D Street Art
Swimming on the Street - 3D Street Art

Now I’ve seen everything, not just watch for cyclists and pedestrians, but now swimmers?

Pole Art
3D Chalk Art

Now that’s a unique way to mark the pole; no one will be walking into this one.

Found Objects in Asphalt
Found Objects in Asphalt

Some artists use their camera to show everyday objects found in asphalt, what a great idea as a hobby in our line of work. (Photo credit: Mike Mission)

Asphalt Art

Asphalt Art

You spin me right round baby with this asphalt art installation.

Pothole Repair with Yarn

Pothole Repair with Yarn

I’ve heard of darning socks, but knitting potholes and crackfilling with yarn?

Painted Bollards
Painted Bollards

Bollards are a big part of asphalt.

Kurt Wenner Street Art
Kurt Wenner Street Art

When it comes to 3D pavement art, Kurt Wenner is the one to watch, and will fool your eyes completely.

Wenner 3D Street Art

Wenner’s images pop right out of the pavement in unbelievable detail, and you can almost hear the pounding of hooves.


We can’t be the only ones to love this stuff, share with us your finds of asphalt arts and laughs!

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