Save Money By Using Recycled Asphalt

Thinking of asphalt recycling? Learn ways to save money by using recycled asphalt while taking care of your asphalt investment.

Judson Burdon
Posted by Judson Burdon on March 13

Whether you are looking to buy recycled asphalt or are looking to recycle your own asphalt and simply refresh your asphalt surface, you will save money by using recycled asphalt.

Are you a contractor? Click here to view our asphalt recycling considerations for contractors.

Because the main ingredient in asphalt is oil, its price has increased dramatically in the last several years and it is predicted that the price of asphalt will continue to climb. This has led to an increased demand for recycled asphalt which is lower in price and widely available.

For homeowners, business owners, and independent paving contractors who are concerned with their carbon footprint, asphalt recycling machinery is most likely not a viable option. However, they can still take advantage of asphalt recycling by using the material for both asphalt repair and replacement projects.

Recycling an Existing Asphalt Surface

Asphalt surfaces can last a lot longer than you would expect. You may think that your asphalt surface needs to be ripped up and new asphalt needs to be set down, but your asphalt can last a lot longer. Here are some things you can do instead of ripping it up:

  • Thoroughly clean the surface of your driveway using a blower, then a power washer. Allow the surface to dry fully before proceeding.
  • Inspect the surface for any cracks and if you find them, use hot or cold-pour crack filler to fill them in. Sign up for our free asphalt maintenance course to learn about how to repair your asphalt cracks.
  • Shovel recycled asphalt evenly over the surface, and then use an asphalt rake to get the top smooth.
  • If you want these repairs to last much longer, you can use a small infrared heater like the Mini Infrared Asphalt Heater to heat up the asphalt for hot in place patching. Add asphalt millings to the pothole. Better if the asphalt millings were transported and stored in an asphalt hot box.
  • Using a vibrating plate or hand tamper, cover the entire surface to create a compacted, even top.
  • Let the asphalt dry in place for about a day, and then apply commercial-grade asphalt seal coat to the top to preserve your work.

Shop for asphalt patching equipment that will make this job easier for you and find the right products to resurface your driveway with.

Laying Down Recycled Asphalt as a New Asphalt Surface Area

Using recycled asphalt is a cost-saving alternative to using new asphalt, and many asphalt professionals are now offering it as an option. Here are two things you need to know before you buy.

  • The biggest concern about recycled asphalt is whether or not it is as durable as new asphalt. Most experts and engineers are convinced that it can last as long as a decade or longer on residential driveways. However, it hasn't been proven yet.
  • Recycled asphalt driveways do have a downside. Because the recycled asphalt contains rubber, oil, and line paint, it does have a tendency to track into your home and vehicle more than virgin asphalt.

To prevent excessive tracking, recycled asphalt driveways should be sealed with a commercial grade asphalt sealcoat product.

Don't Start Your Asphalt Maintenance Project Until You Read This!

Protecting Your Recycled Asphalt

Once asphalt recycling has been used for a project, the best way to protect it for many years to come is to properly maintain and sealcoat it on a regular basis. Recycled asphalt, if maintained properly, can remain in good condition on par with virgin asphalt.

With asphalt recycling, it's commonly thought that the material isn't as durable. This is simply not the case, and with regular crack repair and sealcoating, it can hold up to the elements. Just as in the case of new asphalt, recycled asphalt should be sealed every two to three years, and cracks should be sealed on an ongoing, regular basis.

Do you need information on how best to care for recycled asphalt? The experts at Asphalt Kingdom can give you everything you need to know to keep it in good condition. Whether you need expert advice or need asphalt maintenance products or sealcoating repair equipment, we have it all.

To learn everything you need to know about asphalt maintenance, take the Free 4-day email asphalt maintenance course offered by Asphalt Kingdom. You will learn how to prepare your driveway for sealcoat treatment. Crack Filling Tips

This includes tips on the proper techniques for sweeping, blowing, washing and more. You will learn what you need to do to fill those unsightly and potentially damaging cracks in your recycled asphalt. You will also be given detailed instructions on how to successfully seal your driveway and what products are the best to use.

Asphalt Kingdom has a team of experts who can give you a free consultation on everything you need to know about recycled asphalt. While you may not be in the market for asphalt recycling machinery, you do need professional information about asphalt recycling and how to care for your asphalt investment. We are more than happy to help with any questions you have from crack repair to sealcoating. Call us toll free at 1-866-399-5562 to talk directly with an Asphalt Kingdom advisor or contact us by e-mail.

Are you a new asphalt maintenance contractor or planning to become one? Be armed with the right information! Sign up for our free Asphalt Kingdom Build Your Own Business Blueprint and learn everything you can about asphalt maintenance and running your business. Access the BYOBB course here.

Standard Operating Procedures for Asphalt Maintenance Contractors

Asphalt Recycling Considerations for Contractors

With skyrocketing oil prices, asphalt recycling has leapt from relative obscurity into a must for paving and utility contractors. The use of an asphalt recycler machine has become commonplace on many paving projects since the rapid increase in virgin asphalt prices. In fact, asphalt is now the most widely recycled material in the world, even more common than aluminum. Utilizing asphalt recycling machinery can literally save contractors hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Environmental concerns have also increased the interest and demand for asphalt recycling. Because asphalt is a petroleum-based product, it is obviously more eco-friendly to recycle it than to produce new material.

The benefits of having an asphalt recycling system are substantial for local governments and other purchasers of asphalt. Not only is there a significant cost savings with the use of recycled asphalt, but there is also energy reduction, increased business opportunities, conservation of aggregates and petroleum products, and reduced need for disposal. Roads and other paved surfaces can be rehabilitated with this specialized piece of equipment to correct deficiencies such as rutting, cracking, oxidation, brittleness, shrinkage, and stripped aggregate.

In light of the higher price of virgin asphalt and the increased awareness of the environment, several manufacturers are specializing in portable asphalt recycling machinery that are adaptable to the specific needs of both small pavers and municipal highway departments as well as large contracting firms and government agencies. These asphalt recyclers have become instrumental in decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels while contributing to the improvement of the current environmental situation.

Mini Heater (1)


Repair existing asphalt easily!

  • Reheats asphalt for easy repairs
  • For asphalt seams, alligator cracks, & more
  • One-person operation

Learn More About Infrared Heating

Why an Asphalt Recycler is the Best Blacktop Repair Equipment

An asphalt recycler uses infrared energy to heat the surface of blacktop to 300º F. Why is that so important? Because now you can reuse that damaged pavement as part of the repair and you only need to add some fresh hot asphalt mix from your hot box. Not only is that environmentally green and good, it saves you time and money, and you have the longest-lasting repair. That makes asphalt recyclers the very best blacktop repair equipment. Here are the facts of how the machines work and why they're so cost-effective.

How Infrared Works

Infrared energy is a way of heating the pavement safely to 300º F, which is the same as hot new mix. Asphalt recyclers do this without contacting the surface, using invisible rays. This rejuvenates the damaged area, reusing what's there, allowing you to rake in new hot mix from your hot box. Tamp down to compact with a vibrating plate and you're done. What's truly special about this blacktop repair equipment is that by heating the area in place, there will never be a joint or seam left in the area.

 Before and After Infrared Repair

Did you know? Even a hot mix pothole repair will leave a seam where the hot patch meets the cold pavement. An asphalt recycler never leaves a seam.

Why Do Asphalt Recyclers Save You Money?

The first reason is obvious, you save by reusing product and only need to add some fresh hot mix. No more crack filler or patching compound, and far less hot mix to buy. That's only the tip of the cost-saving iceberg.

There are five other ways you'll save money using an asphalt recycler:

  • Debris removal is all but eliminated, since the chunks of loose pavement will be heated and reused. Labor costs go down.
  • Weed killing is no longer a separate step as the asphalt recycler will be hot enough to kill all vegetation. Labor costs continue to go down, as all that is needed is to remove the bulk of the vegetation.
  • Cutting edges to remove brittle asphalt and to square up the area is completely dispensed with. Asphalt recyclers heat the area and reuse what's there, so there's no need to cut. Save on labor and saw blades.
  • Disposal of the debris is no longer necessary as your asphalt recycler has reused it instead. You save on labor, transportation, and dump fees.
  • Longer work season as this type of blacktop repair equipment works in colder temperatures and in variable weather. This boosts your profits with a longer season to work in.

Winter Pothole Course

What Can an Asphalt Recycler Repair?

Blacktop repair equipment that can fix more than one type of damage is always better than a single-use type of machinery.

Here's a list of what asphalt recyclers can be used to repair:


Crack filling

Alligator cracks

Sunken areas

High spots

Oil damage

Trouble spots such as catch basins, drains, utility cuts, and more.

Important: The One Thing You Can't Fix is the foundation. Any and all pavement must have a rock-solid base.

Now You Know The Importance Of Asphalt Recyclers

By using infrared rays, damaged asphalt is heated to the same temperature of new hot mix. It allows you to reuse what's already there, and you simply add fresh hot mix, rake, and compact.

With no seams or joints left, this is the most durable and long-lasting repair to be had. Cost-effective by using fewer products, reducing labor costs with the elimination of prep steps, plus no more disposal transport and fees. All that and a longer work season, makes your business more productive. You save time, money, and go green all at the same time. That's why an asphalt recycler is the very best blacktop repair equipment there is.


Hot In-Place Asphalt Recycling Professionals Prefer Asphalt Emulsion Sealer

With over 90% of the roads in the United States paved with asphalt, hot-in-place recycling has become the most economical, in-demand method for resurfacing. Because asphalt is an oil product and subject to price hikes that coincide with those of other petroleum-based products, the price of virgin asphalt has become cost-prohibitive on many road construction projects.

A less costly alternative is the use of hot in-place asphalt recycling which offers a substantial savings and identical quality road surfaces as the use of new product. Further, the environmental impact of recycled asphalt is far less as it helps keep millions of tons of asphalt out of landfills each year.

Hot In-Place Asphalt Recycling Maintenance

coal tar sealerWhen using hot in-place asphalt recycling, there needs to be ongoing maintenance and crack repair for the pavement to remain in good condition over the long-term. To accomplish this, the utilization of asphalt emulsion sealer is essential. At Asphalt Kingdom, we specialize in selling the products and equipment necessary to properly seal both recycled and virgin asphalt.

Unlike other sealers that offer marginal coverage, our commercial-grade asphalt emulsion sealer offers unbeatable performance, durability, and value. Our 275 gallon tote is the ideal solution for maintaining your hot in-place asphalt recycling projects. It can be applied either with one of our spray systems or with a sealer brush or squeegee. Each gallon covers 100 square feet of asphalt.

Our sealer protects and penetrates asphalt surfaces for up to three years. And, instead of many of the competitors' sealers that can take up to two days to dry, our sealer dries in less than four hours. We are happy to ship bulk order and offer substantial discounts when orders exceed five 275 gallon totes. If you're a hot in-place asphalt recycling professional, contact us today to learn more about how Asphalt Kingdom can help you with your hot in place asphalt recycling projects.

Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association Members Prefer Asphalt Kingdom

With the steady increase in asphalt prices over the last several years and growing concern over environmental issues, the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association has become instrumental in educating public agencies and asphalt contractors about the benefits of recycling and reclaiming existing asphalt pavements. The organization has been praised by environmentalists, taxpayers, and legislators alike for their ongoing efforts to reduce expenses through the use of recycled asphalt and for keeping millions of tons of asphalt out of North American landfills.

Through local, regional, and national seminars, training sessions, and conferences, the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association actively provides support and information for those involved in the design, construction, and maintenance of streets, roads, and highways. They also serve as an information exchange and technology transfer among all professionals within the asphalt industry to build awareness of new programs, strategies, and technologies that involve recycled and reclaimed asphalt.

Asphalt Kingdom Can Help

Along with asphalt recycling, there are increased efforts to extend the life of existing asphalt through professional pavement repair and maintenance. At Asphalt Kingdom, we specialize in the products and equipment necessary to keep asphalt in good condition. We sell a variety of products to both members of the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association and to those that predominately utilize virgin asphalt for their projects.

Our crack repair and sealcoating products are especially useful to those who specialize in asphalt recycling. While recycled asphalt is considered to be nearly if not equivalently as durable as new material, it can be more prone to cracking. We offer the best prices and direct shipping on a full range of crack repair products and equipment including gas powered crack cleaning systems, crack filling applicators, melter kettles, and hot pour crack filler.

If you're a member of the Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association and want to find out how Asphalt Kingdom can help you with your asphalt pavement recycling projects contact us directly or give us a call at 1-866-399-5562.


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Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Pothole Repair, Property Management

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