Setting Revenue Goals to Grow Your Asphalt Maintenance Company

How do you want your asphalt maintenance business to grow? Determining your wins starts with setting clear goals!

Judson Burdon
Posted by Judson Burdon on March 26

Often, people start asphalt maintenance companies to cover their expenses while being the boss. Then growth enters the picture. You may not know the reliable ways to grow your asphalt maintenance company, but you want to.

Some of the Growth Challenges

Growth is one of those words that everyone throws around. Before growing your company, you need to decide what growth means for you. Whether that’s scaling to six figures or simply doing ten percent more business, you cannot grow without a goal.

You have some practical considerations for your growth as well. Unless you’re willing to finance growth, you can only add so many more people and machines at a given time. Otherwise, you’ll end up overcommitted.

Having data is paramount while you’re talking about goals, and without it, you’re merely taking a stab in the dark without it.

Reverse Engineering Your Asphalt Maintenance Company

If you have numerical data, you can set your growth goals and pace objectively. This change removes a significant amount of uncertainty, which lets you act with more confidence. The worst thing to do is let too much time go by.

If you know how much you want to make, you can reverse engineer your goals with a few metrics. Since you’ve been in business for a while, you know your costs and profit margins on each size job. You should also have an idea roughly how many bids you sent out per contract signed.

From there, you can determine how many more jobs you need to hit your new goals. Then you can determine how many bids you need to send.

Asphalt Emulsion after-job flyer

How to Make Goalsetting Work Well

Knowing how much your sales efforts need to ramp up and in what area is a good starting point. Your commitment and that of your team is then necessary. Adding the extra bids needs to stay at the top of the priority list.

There will always be times that call for a little grace. Machines break, people leave the company, and personal life issues can interfere with hitting your goals. It’s important to regroup and refocus on the goal rather than altering it.

To go with the refocusing, you should commit to working harder. You should also slow down enough to develop a plan for making up the deficit. If you only work harder, then you run the risk of burning out short of your goals.

Having a supportive peer group, mentor, or both helps keep you motivated to achieve your goals. Not only do they offer sound advice, but they can also help you remain accountable and on track for what you want to achieve.

Sign up below to get in on the exclusive webinar between Judd and Brian Hess. Not only does Brian own The Pavement Group, but he’s also the owner of Top Contractor School. Brian shares several crucial tips for hitting your revenue goals in the asphalt maintenance industry, plus some fantastic business advice.



Topics: Asphalt Maintenance Business

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