How to Improve Your Parking Lot Drainage

Have pools of water in your parking lot after every storm? Learn how to improve your parking lot drainage to prevent cracks, potholes, and standing water.

Posted by Judson Burdon on November 13

Your parking lot should be safe for customers and visitors. The experience should be seamless – pull in, park easily, step through the doors. However, if your parking lot doesn’t drain properly, the area could be a hazard. Not sure how to improve parking lot drainage or what problems poor drainage might cause? This blog post is for you.

Understanding Poor Parking Lot Drainage Problems

If water collects in your parking lot and doesn’t drain properly, it can cause a wide range of issues. Some of those we see most frequently at Asphalt King include:

  • Cracks and Potholes: Weathering can cause asphalt to crack. Then it’s just a matter of time. Water seepage can cause cracks to expand, leading to potholes. Eventually, small potholes can become major hazards that need in-depth repairs. Explore our Pothole Repair Guide for more details on how to address this issue.
  • Standing Water: Pooled water can lead to surface degradation and algae growth and create a slipping hazard for pedestrians. It can also cause them to walk into traffic lanes to avoid large puddles and other issues.
  • Erosion and Subsurface Damage: Continuous water pooling can cause the underlying structure to weaken over time. Then you might be facing a very large pothole or even a sinkhole depending on the situation.

Improving your parking lot drainage can help you avoid these issues and provide the safe, positive experience visitors deserve.

Assessing Your Parking Lot’s Drainage System

Not sure if your parking lot drainage is an issue? Use these steps to assess your parking lot drainage system:

  • Visual Inspection: Look for areas where water collects after a storm. How long does water stand in place? How significant are the puddles?
  • Check the Slope and Grade: Check that the parking lot is sloped properly to direct water toward drainage points. Remember, water pools in low-lying areas, so if you see standing water, it’s a sure sign that your parking lot isn’t graded correctly.

Related Blog: 7 Critical Checks for Parking Drains

Solutions for Improving Parking Lot Drainage

If you spot signs of poor parking lot drainage, don’t worry. There are solutions available.

  • Asphalt Repair: Professional asphalt repair can fix cracks or potholes to prevent water from seeping into the surface. Catching cracks before they evolve into potholes will help you avoid serious safety issues and make the repair faster and more affordable.
  • Resurfacing and Repaving: Have you noticed a significant amount of standing water in your parking lot? Consider resurfacing to correct the slope and grade of the parking lot, ensuring water drains properly.
  • Installing Proper Drainage Systems: If your parking lot isn’t up to date in terms of drainage solutions, adding or upgrading drains and catch basins to handle water flow can help improve safety and even the longevity of the parking lot itself.

Of course, the best defense is not to wait for issues to crop up in the first place. Instead, take a proactive approach and invest in preventative maintenance to protect your parking lot and your visitors.

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Preventative Maintenance to Keep Your Parking Lot Drainage Efficient

In addition to the parking lot drainage solutions we discussed above, you can also use preventative maintenance to help reduce standing water, improve drainage, and give your visitors a better experience.

  • Regular Cleaning with Leaf Blowers: Remove debris like leaves, dirt, and trash that can block drains and worsen drainage issues. Anything that might reduce the flow of water from your parking lot into the drainage system should be removed. Don’t have the tools necessary? Check Asphalt Kingdom’s leaf blowers.
  • Sealing Cracks and Sealing the Surface: Regular sealcoating helps protect the surface from water damage and prevents cracks from expanding. All parking lots will crack over time and exposure to harsh UV rays, as well as the normal heating and cooling cycle throughout the year. Inspect your parking lot regularly, note new cracks, and have them repaired before they become major issues.

The Benefits of Proper Parking Lot Drainage

Finally, let’s look at the benefits of ensuring your parking lot drains correctly. Some of the most important advantages include:

  • Longer Lifespan: Proper parking lot drainage extends the life of your parking lot, reducing the need for frequent repairs. That also means paying less over time.
  • Improved Safety: Good drainage eliminates hazards like standing water and slippery algae growth, which means a safer experience for your visitors and fewer claims on your insurance.
  • Cost Savings: Preventative maintenance can save significant costs on repairs and resurfacing. That’s good news for your bottom line.

Related Resource: Pavement Management Solutions

Improve Your Parking Lot Drainage Now

Parking areas should be safe and free of hazards. However, if your drainage is poor, you could be looking at potholes and safety issues. Taking a proactive approach to parking lot maintenance and investing in resurfacing to ensure optimum parking lot drainage is crucial. At Asphalt Kingdom, we have the guidance, supplies, and equipment you need to handle any asphalt maintenance challenge.

Reach out to us online or toll-free at 1-866-399-5562 for advice about your parking lots or pavement surfaces!

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