Better Parking Lot Safety: Your Comprehensive Guide

Have a better holiday season with a safer parking lot! Improve your parking lot safety to protect drivers & pedestrians alike, & reduce your liability.

Judson Burdon
Posted by Judson Burdon on October 21

The winter holidays are almost upon us, and that means increased hustle and bustle, especially at shopping centers, malls, and places of worship like churches. As you see more people at your business or church, more money can flow in.

...But there is also an increase in something else.

The chance for an accident in your parking lot!

If you're concerned about parking lot lawsuits, which is a very common concern, read on for how you can improve your parking lot safety!

Why Care About Parking Lot Safety?

Parking lots aren't only places for people to park their cars. It's also where they walk, and sometimes talk as well! A lot of activity happens in parking lots, making them hotspots for accidents and injuries.

In this article from 2016, it says the National Safety Council finds that one in five accidents happen in parking lots. They also back up the fact that parking lots become even more dangerous through the holiday season.

And those numbers are only about vehicle-related accidents! What about pedestrians tripping on a pothole, or tripping on an uneven sidewalk?

Prioritizing safety in your parking lot is not only about preventing accidents.

It's also about reducing your liability.

The owner of the property can be held liable for injuries that happen on their property, and that can mean significant — and hefty — financial consequences. By making your parking lot safer and documenting your actions, you can protect yourself from lawsuits. You can also protect your reputation!


Common Parking Lot Hazards

Some issues that affect parking lot safety can be risky for both drivers and pedestrians. Here are several examples that you can check on your own parking lot:

  • Poor lighting: Walking and driving at night can be very dangerous, especially when a parking lot is poorly lit.
  • Inadequate signage and pavement markings: If you don't have signs and markings directing traffic, showing where to stop, and where not to park, people can get confused and that can lead to a collision.
  • Barely visible pedestrian crossings: Similar to the above bullet point, all pedestrian crossings should be well marked and obvious to indicate to drivers they need to be more vigilant and careful when approaching. They should also be able to stop suddenly in case a pedestrian is crossing or about to cross.
  • Uneven or broken sidewalks: For most able-bodied people, uneven sidewalks aren't much of an issue. For people with wheelchairs, strollers, or a walker, uneven surfaces are an obstacle.
  • Potholes and deep asphalt cracks: These are hazards to both drivers and pedestrians, with potholes being a common reason for vehicle-related damage.
  • Ice or slippery surfaces: When water or ice accumulates on your parking lot or sidewalks, this can make your property difficult to travel through safely.

While evaluating your parking lot, take note of any issues that ping your safety radar.

You can also ask yourself key questions like:

  • Do I have clear lines of sight through the parking lot, both as a driver and a pedestrian? Are there trees or bushes that are blocking my view?
  • Do I know which direction I can enter the different parking lanes? Are one-way lanes clearly marked?
  • How visible is the parking lot and the walking areas at night?

Now that you've identified some areas to improve, let's move on to the next section: how to fix them for a safer parking lot!

Related Blog: When to Restripe Your Parking Lot

Improving Your Parking Lot’s Safety

Ongoing pavement maintenance can be a huge factor in enhancing the safety of your parking lot. There are 3 main things to watch:

1. Pothole and Crack Repair

cold pothole patch

Quick Pothole Patching to Repair Potholes

Potholes are one of the most critical things to repair on your asphalt. In the US each year, 15% of drivers need vehicle repairs due to potholes. You may think: “But potholes are everywhere, even on roads and highways. Why should I care about the ones in my parking lot?”

Would you want to pay a $232,000 lawsuit because the pothole in your parking lot caused injuries? It has happened, and it can happen to you if you let those potholes linger.

It's fairly easy to do your own pothole repairs with cold patch. If you want a longer-lasting repair, you can invest into an infrared heater, which allows you to reheat your existing asphalt into a workable state.

One of the best things about pothole repair is you can do it even during the winter. Repairing asphalt cracks is also important, but is best done in temperatures above 50°F.

2. Line Striping

Frequent line striping will ensure that your lines and other pavement markings are bright and visible. Crosswalks, directional arrows, stop bars, and other markings definitely help tell drivers where to be cautious, what direction to go, and where to stop.

Having clear parking lot lines will also help tell drivers where the parking spaces are. It may not prevent them from taking two spots or stop them from parking poorly, but you'll have done your best to prevent arguments about where the lines are.

3. Sidewalks & Walkways

When it comes to concrete and sidewalks, a lot of us take them for granted and think: these don't need to be maintained. However, ignoring your walkways can lead to ADA lawsuits. Tree roots, cracks, and other issues can cause your sidewalks to become uneven. This can be fixed with concrete grinding.

Trip Hazard Grinding

Grinding a trip hazard from a concrete sidewalk



Aside from your pavement, you should also be sure to provide adequate lighting. Surveillance cameras can also be used to help prevent crime, making your parking lots safer.


Be a Responsible Parking Lot Owner!

Ensuring your parking lot is as safe as it can be doesn't have to be a challenge. You can do it yourself, and you can ask for our help at 1-866-399-5562 ext. 1. Or you can find a trusted local contractor to work with you.

With the holidays coming up, it's the best time to make sure your bases are covered, both legally and liability-wise. Double-check your insurance coverage, and get your pavement repaired before it costs you money and your reputation.

Pavement Asset Management Course

Topics: Asphalt Maintenance, Property Management

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