What is Asphalt Rejuvenation: A Comprehensive Guide

Learn more about asphalt rejuvenation and how important it is in prolonging the lifespan of roads, driveways, and parking lots in this new blog.

Judson Burdon
Posted by Judson Burdon on September 1

Key Points

  • Asphalt rejuvenation is a great way to replenish lost asphalt oils and extend the pavement's lifespan.
  • Asphalt sealing and rejuvenation are two different methods to protect blacktop pavements.
  • Asphalt millings rejuvenator is a product that plays a similar role in pothole patching.


Asphalt rejuvenation breathes new life into aging asphalt surfaces. This process revolves around revitalizing aged asphalt by replacing lost bitumen oils and restoring its original properties. Rejuvenating asphalt also maintains its integral structure.

Bitumen is the binder that provides asphalt with its strength and weather resistance. Unfortunately, it oxidizes and degrades over time. This leads to cracking, a loss of elasticity, and eventual deterioration.

Asphalt rejuvenation curbs aging by reintroducing these essential oils and slowing down oxidation.

This technique not only rejuvenates the existing surface. It also enhances its resilience against environmental and traffic-induced stressors.

Rejuvenation serves a two-fold purpose: extending the longevity of our roads and driveways and reducing long-term maintenance costs.

Keep reading this article to discover the ins and outs of this vital process and understand why it's the secret to enduring, high-quality asphalt surfaces.

Table of Contents

Understanding Asphalt Aging

asphalt kingdom damaged asphaltDamaged asphalt (Photo by Markus Spiske via Pexels)

Aging is a natural and inevitable process that affects the structural integrity and appearance of any asphalt pavement. It results from three interplaying factors. These include:

  • Oxidation
  • Weathering
  • Traffic load

Oxidation is the reaction between bitumen and the oxygen in the air. Over time, this chemical interaction leads to a loss of essential oils in the asphalt, causing it to become brittle and lose its elasticity.

This makes the asphalt prone to cracking, pothole formation, and general deterioration. It also gives asphalt that graying, faded look.

The scorching sun, freezing winters, and torrential rain all play a significant role in asphalt aging. Heat speeds up oxidation, while cold can cause contraction and cracking.

Rainwater can seep into these cracks, further eroding the foundation and speeding up the aging process.

Excessive traffic load also affects the rate at which asphalt ages. Heavy vehicles exert significant stress on the asphalt, causing premature wear and tear.

Over time, this can lead to ruts, depressions, and other forms of structural damage.

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The Asphalt Rejuvenation Process

The asphalt rejuvenation process can be the key to unlocking a second life for your weathered and traffic-worn asphalt surfaces.

This essential process involves specific steps.

Step 1. Surface Prep

Surface preparation is vital. This stage involves thorough cleaning to remove dust, debris, and any existing loose materials with an asphalt broom or a walk-behind power broom.

Surface defects like cracks or potholes have to be repaired before proceeding to ensure a smooth and clean base for the rejuvenating agent.

Step 2. Applying the Rejuvenating Agent

Next comes the core of the process: the application of the rejuvenating agent.

Application techniques can vary based on the chosen rejuvenator and the specific needs of the asphalt surface. Spray application, common for larger areas, disperses the rejuvenator evenly across the surface.

In contrast, a squeegee application, often used for smaller or more intricate areas, manually spreads the rejuvenator, ensuring it penetrates all cracks and crevices.

Benefits of Asphalt Rejuvenation

asphalt kingdom parking lotFaded asphalt parking lot (Photo by Anfisa Eremina via Pexels)

Asphalt rejuvenation is an increasingly popular solution for aging pavement due to its many benefits.

Compared to traditional asphalt overlay or replacement, rejuvenation is more cost-effective, environmentally friendly, and longer-lasting. Let's explore the benefits below.

Overlay and complete replacement offer a fresh start, these methods can be expensive and time-consuming. Rejuvenation, on the other hand, is a more affordable option.

From an environmental perspective, rejuvenation is a much greener solution. With global efforts increasingly focused on reducing waste and lowering carbon footprints, rejuvenation contributes by minimizing the need for new asphalt production.

Lastly, rejuvenation doesn't just restore the asphalt's original properties; it enhances them. By replacing lost bitumen oils and slowing down oxidation, rejuvenation improves the asphalt's resilience to weather and traffic-related stress.

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Impact on Pavement Performance

Asphalt rejuvenation plays a crucial role in enhancing pavement performance. It also brings significant improvements to the flexibility, resilience, and overall longevity of the asphalt surface.

One of the most significant impacts of rejuvenation is its restoration of asphalt's flexibility.

By reintroducing lost bitumen oils, rejuvenation mitigates the brittleness caused by oxidation. This ensures the asphalt can better accommodate traffic loads and temperature changes without cracking.

This improved flexibility goes hand-in-hand with enhanced resilience, allowing the pavement to withstand heavier usage and harsher environmental conditions.

Rejuvenation also restores the binder's functionality, the key to asphalt's durability. The binder in asphalt, primarily composed of bitumen, acts as the glue holding the aggregate together.

As rejuvenation replenishes the bitumen oils lost to oxidation, the binder's functionality is restored. This results in a significant reduction in cracking, one of the leading causes of pavement deterioration.

In addition to minimizing cracking, rejuvenation also boosts the pavement's resistance to water damage. 

By sealing small cracks and crevices, rejuvenation prevents water from infiltrating the asphalt structure, reducing the risk of potholes, rutting, and other water-related damage.


Appearance and Aesthetics

asphalt kingdom arrowsAsphalt pavement (Image by Ditto Shafarnahariy from Pixabay)

While the functional benefits of asphalt rejuvenation are extensive, its impact on the appearance and aesthetics of asphalt surfaces is equally impressive. 

Through rejuvenation, worn-out surfaces can regain their vibrant, like-new look.

One of the most notable aesthetic improvements is the restoration of color. Aging and oxidation often turn the once dark, rich color of new asphalt into a dull, gray hue. 

However, rejuvenation revives this color, reinstating the attractive, deep black appearance that's synonymous with high-quality asphalt.

Moreover, rejuvenation plays a vital role in smoothing out minor surface imperfections. 

The rejuvenating process fills in these imperfections, resulting in a smoother, more uniform surface. Not only does this improve the surface's visual appeal, but it also provides a more comfortable and safer driving or walking experience.

Extended Lifespan and Long-Term Savings

Asphalt rejuvenation is not just about instant benefits. It is an investment in the long-term health and durability of asphalt surfaces. Regular rejuvenation can extend the lifespan of asphalt, providing significant long-term savings.

When properly applied at appropriate intervals, rejuvenation can add several years to the life of asphalt surfaces. This is due to its ability to restore lost bitumen oils, slow down oxidation, and prevent structural damage, keeping the pavement robust and resilient for longer.

Perhaps the most attractive benefit of extending your asphalt's life through rejuvenation is the significant cost savings. 

While rejuvenation incurs some expense, it pales in comparison to the high costs associated with complete asphalt replacement or overlay.

Regular rejuvenation treatments can delay these expensive projects by many years, converting a potentially major capital expenditure into manageable, routine maintenance costs.

Rejuvenated asphalt also requires less frequent repairs, saving further on maintenance costs. The prevention of cracks and other damage reduces the need for patching, crack filling, and other such procedures, contributing to overall savings.

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Ideal Candidates for Asphalt Rejuvenation

Determining when asphalt rejuvenation is the most suitable maintenance solution requires a keen understanding of the state of your asphalt surface. 

Certain signs of aging indicate that your pavement might be an ideal candidate for this rejuvenating process.

Faded Asphalt

One clear indicator is color. As asphalt ages, it typically fades from a rich black to a dull light gray. This color change signifies a loss of essential oils within the bitumen binder due to oxidation. 

If your asphalt exhibits this graying, it's a good sign that rejuvenation may be beneficial.

Asphalt Cracks

Another common sign is surface cracking. Over time, the loss of flexibility due to aging can cause the asphalt to crack under stress. These cracks, while initially small, can expand and multiply if not addressed.

A surface riddled with such cracks often stands to benefit significantly from rejuvenation.

Minor Damage

Rejuvenation is most appropriate for asphalt surfaces that are not extensively damaged. If the pavement has minor imperfections and signs of wear but is structurally sound, rejuvenation can restore its vitality.

However, for heavily damaged surfaces with deep cracks, potholes, or severe rutting, more extensive repairs or replacement may be necessary before considering rejuvenation.

Proper Maintenance After Rejuvenation

asphalt kingdom paint on asphaltAsphalt road (Image by WOKANDAPIX from Pixabay)

Once asphalt rejuvenation is complete, proper ongoing maintenance is crucial to ensure the prolonged life and performance of the rejuvenated surface. 

Through regular inspections, proactive repairs, and careful usage, the benefits of rejuvenation can be optimized and sustained.

One fundamental aspect of maintenance is regular inspection. Keep a close eye on the condition of the asphalt surface, looking out for the re-emergence of minor cracks or the onset of new imperfections.

These inspections can be done annually or semi-annually, depending on the traffic load and weather conditions the surface is subjected to.

Proactive repairs form the second pillar of effective maintenance. If signs of damage are spotted during inspections, addressing them promptly can prevent minor issues from escalating into significant problems. 

This might involve filling small cracks before they can widen or addressing any drainage issues that could lead to water damage.

Lastly, mindful usage plays a role in preserving the rejuvenated surface.

For example, avoiding heavy loads or sharp turning movements can reduce undue stress on the asphalt, preventing premature wear and tear.

In winter, using gentle, non-corrosive de-icing agents can help protect the surface from damage.

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What are the Differences Between Asphalt Sealing and Rejuvenation?


Asphalt Sealing. It's like putting on sunscreen. Sealing provides a protective layer over the asphalt, and shields it from water, UV rays, and other elements that can cause damage. It can also enhance the appearance, making the surface look new again.

Asphalt Rejuvenation. Think of it as moisturizing your skin. Rejuvenation penetrates the asphalt surface to restore essential oils, extending the life of the asphalt and improving its flexibility.


Asphalt Sealing. Generally made of coal tar, asphalt emulsions, or acrylics. They form a protective top layer.

Asphalt Rejuvenation. Made up of oils and other additives that soak into the asphalt, replenishing lost oils due to aging and oxidation.


Asphalt Sealing. Gives a smooth, shiny, and dark finish, making the asphalt look freshly laid.

Asphalt Rejuvenation. Offers a deep rich color, making old asphalt appear more vibrant and closer to its original state.


Asphalt Sealing. Generally lasts 2-3 years depending on traffic and environmental conditions.

Asphalt Rejuvenation. This can extend the asphalt's life for several years, but its protective effects may need to be reapplied every 3-5 years.


Asphalt Sealing. Usually applied as a spray or squeegee and requires the asphalt to be clean and dry.

Asphalt Rejuvenation. Sprayed onto the asphalt, allowing it to penetrate and rejuvenate from within.

Asphalt Millings Rejuvenator vs. Asphalt Rejuvenation

Asphalt millings rejuvenator is a binder added to old, reclaimed asphalt (often referred to as "millings"). It helps restore some of the asphalt's lost oils, making the material more workable and adhesive.

How does it compare to asphalt rejuvenation?

Both aim to restore essential oils and flexibility to aged or worn-out asphalt. But while asphalt rejuvenation revives existing, in-place asphalt surfaces, millings rejuvenator is specifically for recycled asphalt, prepping it for reuse for pothole patching.

Using rejuvenated millings for pothole patching ensures that the patch binds well with the surrounding asphalt, offering a durable, long-lasting repair. Without the rejuvenator, millings might not adhere as effectively, leading to a patch that deteriorates faster.

Think of asphalt millings rejuvenator as a magic glue for recycled asphalt, making it fresh and sticky again, perfect for durable pothole fixes!

Check out the video below if you want to see asphalt millings rejuvenator application during pothole patching

Applying asphalt millings rejuvenator during pothole patching

Asphalt Rejuvenation Frequently Asked Questions

How does asphalt rejuvenation help extend the lifespan of aging asphalt surfaces?

Asphalt rejuvenation extends the lifespan of aging asphalt surfaces by reintroducing lost bitumen oils, slowing down oxidation, and sealing minor cracks, thus enhancing the pavement's resilience and functionality.

What are the signs that my asphalt surface needs rejuvenation?

Signs that your asphalt surface needs rejuvenation include a faded, gray color, surface cracking, and minor imperfections such as rough patches.

Can asphalt rejuvenation be applied to all types of asphalt surfaces, including driveways, parking lots, and roads?

Yes, asphalt rejuvenation can be applied to all types of asphalt surfaces, including driveways, parking lots, and roads, as long as the surface is structurally sound and not extensively damaged.

Is asphalt rejuvenation an environmentally friendly solution compared to asphalt replacement?

Asphalt rejuvenation is an environmentally friendly solution as it reduces the need for new asphalt production and lowers the volume of asphalt waste in landfills.

How often should asphalt surfaces be rejuvenated to maintain their optimal condition?

The frequency of asphalt rejuvenation depends on various factors, including traffic load and weather conditions. 

But typically, a rejuvenation treatment every 3-5 years is recommended to maintain optimal pavement conditions.


Asphalt rejuvenation emerges as a proactive, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solution for maintaining aging asphalt surfaces. 

By reintroducing lost bitumen oils and slowing down oxidation, rejuvenation restores and enhances pavement performance, offering improved flexibility, resilience, and water resistance.

It not only revives the asphalt's aesthetics but also extends its lifespan, leading to significant long-term savings.

Topics: Asphalt Maintenance

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